Picture Resolution 300 DPI [Why It Matters]

If you search google or if you ask someone about how much resolution you should use in your images, almost every answer will be 300 DPI. However, is 300 DPI the right number? Shouldn’t it depend on the type of your image, if it has a lot of details, a lot of colors, among other factors?

Before we can say that 300 DPI is the right picture resolution or the wrong one, it is important that you understand what DPI is.


Simple way to convert inches to pixels.

Simply put, DPI is short for Dots Per Inch. DPI refers to the number of dots that are printed per inch. So, as you can easily see, the higher the DPI value that you have, the higher the resolution of the picture, and the less pixelated it will be.

Then, you need to think about the picture that you are printing. In case you are doing a logo, for example, you need to ensure that you have a minimum DPI so that you can have a good printed logo.

Another factor that you need to take into consideration is the colors. After all, colors are a very important part of any picture. In order to help you get the best pictures independently of the resolution be 300 DPI or any other, you want to make sure that you use CMYK and not RGB for your pictures.

Learn everything you need to know about pixel density.

But is a 300 DPI resolution the right one?


The truth is that as you already know, the higher the DPI the increased details you will get. So, by knowing this, you shouldn’t have any more problems. However, this is where you got it all wrong. Just take a look at a very common situation that continues to occur every day.

But what is pixel?

Let’s say that you have your client asked you for a photo with 300 DPI and they want to have it print out at 5” x 7”. So, you edited the beautiful image for your client and your digital image is showing very well at the 2018 X 1536 size. You send it back to your client and you consider that your job is done and that your client will be extremely happy with the result.

DPI vs PPI – hat is the difference?


Well, the client is really happy as soon as he opens the digital image. However, as soon as he opens it, he notices that the DPI is set at 72 and not at 300 DPI. So, since he loved your work, he just changes the DPI number from 72 to 300. While it doesn’t seem he is doing something wrong, the truth is that your client is enlarging your image more than 4 times. So, as a result, he will end up with an image with 8533 X 6400 size. So, as soon as he asks for the image to be printed out, they will tell him that this image will be completely blurry. So, he ends up with a blurry image. However, the worst thing is that he already had the perfect image to be printed out even if it was with a 72 DPI resolution and not with a 300 DPI resolution. The main point is that you have a good DPI set for the print size image that you want and it really doesn’t need to be 300 DPI.

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DPI Vs PPI [Difference Explained]

There is no question that digital imaging came to stay. After all, who can forget about Instagram or Pinterest, two of the biggest social networks that only work with images?

However, in what concerns digital image, there are still many questions. And one of the main ones is DPI vs PPI. So, in this article, we decided to show you once and for all the difference between DPI (Dots Per Inch) and PPI (Pixels Per Inch). Hopefully, when you finish reading this article, you won’t ever have this question popping up into your head when you are dealing with digital images.


Are you confused about converting pixels to inches and vice-versa?

One of the main reasons for the confusion of DPI vs PPI is related to the fact that DPI is actually an old terminology that kept being used in many different things. For example, there are people talking about DPI when they want to talk about the size of the image or when they want to mention its resolution.

However, in the last years, another terminology started to be used – the PPI or Pixels Per Inch. And this brought even more confusion.

So, let’s see exactly how DPI and PPI should be used and what are the main differences between DPI vs PPI.

Discover everything you need to know about pixel density.

#1: DPI (Dots Per Inch):


In what concerns DPI, this terminology should only be used for printers.

One of the things that you may not know is that each and every pixel output is made up of different inks, usually 4 to 6 colors. (More recent printers can use more colors.)  So, when you want to print an image, these inks need to be mixed so that they can create all the different colors that you have on your image. So, basically, your image will be composed of a wide variety of tiny dots.

Usually, the higher the DPI, the better the colors will be displayed. This is why you take more time to print an image that has a lot of colors and details than a simpler image. Besides, the printer will also use more ink.

Learn more about DPI in printing.

#2: PPI (Pixels Per Inch):


The PPI is a very simple measurement. The truth is that it simply refers to the number of pixels per image that your image has. So, as you can image, the PPI has a strong influence on the print size as well as on the quality of the output.

Let’s say that you have a low PPI. In this case, your image has few pixels per inch which will result in wider and bigger pixels. So, you will get a blurry or pixelated image.

While you will be reading that a specific PPI number is the best one, the truth is that the best PPI depends on the size of the print that you want.

Simple example of converting centimeters in pixels.

#3: DPI Vs PPI:

So, in order to completely understand the difference between DPI and PPI, there is nothing better than a simple example.

Let’s say that you need to print an image that has 300 PPI and that your printer has 1200 DPI. So, how much ink is in each pixel?

(1200 DPI X 1200 DPI) / (300 PPI X 300 PPI) = 16

So, you can easily say that each pixel will include 16 small ink dots.

In case you had a lower DPI, you would have fewer ink dots to fill in the same pixel. So, your colors and ultimate result would be worse. On the other side, if you had a larger DPI, this would mean that you would have more ink dots per pixel. So, as a result, you would have more accurate colors.

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What Is DPI In Printing?

When you need to print a photo or an email occasionally, you usually aren’t concerned with the resolution of the printer that you are using. The truth is that even the most affordable printers can make all documents look professional. And even if you have a photo printer, you shouldn’t have any problems in what concerns to the resolution.

Looking for an inches to pixels converter?

So, What Is DPI In Printing?

DPI stands for dots per inch. Since you’re not an expert on the area, let us try to explain to you.


Whenever you need to print a document or a photo, your printer will need to apply the toner or the ink onto the paper. The more ink it can put into a square inch, the better the result of the document or image will be.

Printers usually have a DPI up to 2400. Some have a DPI even bigger. So, let’s say that your printer is 600 DPI. What does this mean?

Simply put, your printer will fill 600 dots both horizontally as well as vertically in every square inch of your sheet.

So, to the question what is DPI in printing, we can say that it is the dots per inch that your printer allows you to make on a sheet.

However, not all printers are the same and you may have one that has a larger resolution on one side. For example, the DPI of your printer can be 600 X 1200 DPI. Usually, and up to a certain limit, the higher the resolution your printer features, the more sharp and crisp will be your image or document.

Is It Possible To Optimize The DPI?


The truth is that there are a wide variety of printers on the marker. Each one has the ability to place dots of different shapes, intensities, and size onto a specific page. Ultimately, you can get a completely different image when you change all these settings.

Some of the more expensive printers actually allow you to optimize the DPI print process. So, basically, these printers optimize the areas where they do their ink drops so that you can get a better image.

Learn how to convert pixels to inches.

What Is DPI In Printing For The Casual User?

The truth is that when you are a casual user, you don’t even need to think about optimizing your DPI. In fact, it will probably be just a waste of ink. While your photos could be better, the truth is that it will probably be just enough.

What Is DPI In Printing When You Work With Photos And Images Professionally?


When you need to regularly print images or photos that need to look at their best, as if you are a photographer, for example, you should make sure that your printer has 1200 DPI. So, this means that you have almost the entire printer market to make your choice. After all, most printers already include this DPI and this is more than enough.

However, if you are a professional photographer, you may need a higher resolution printer. If this is your case, you should probably look for a printer that features 2880 X 1440 DPI or higher.

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